Top 10 GovTech Startups in India

India’s GovTech landscape is burgeoning with innovative startups that aim to revolutionize public services, governance, and citizen engagement through technology. Here’s a detailed look at the top 10 GovTech startups in India

1. eGov Foundation

  • Founded: 2003
  • Founders: Nandan Nilekani, Srikanth Nadhamuni
  • Overview: eGov Foundation develops open-source technology solutions to improve urban governance and service delivery. Their DIGIT platform aids in digitizing municipal services across various states.
  • Key Projects: Property tax management, grievance redressal systems, and water billing solutions.

Mission: eGov Foundation aims to improve urban governance and service delivery through the development and deployment of open-source technology solutions. The foundation focuses on enabling efficient, transparent, and accountable governance that can provide better public services to citizens.

Key Initiatives and Solutions:

  1. DIGIT Platform:
    • Overview: DIGIT (Digital Infrastructure for Governance, Impact & Transformation) is an open-source platform designed to support the digitization of municipal services.
    • Features: The platform includes modules for property tax management, grievance redressal, water and sewerage billing, trade licenses, and more.
    • Impact: DIGIT has been deployed across multiple states in India, helping local governments streamline their operations and provide better services to citizens.
  2. Urban Governance:
    • Objective: Improve the efficiency of urban local bodies (ULBs) in delivering services and managing resources.
    • Tools: Solutions for solid waste management, financial management, asset management, and urban planning.
    • Outcome: Enhanced transparency, increased citizen participation, and improved service delivery.
  3. Public Health Initiatives:
    • Focus: Leveraging technology to improve public health services.
    • Projects: Includes initiatives like COVID-19 response platforms to help governments track and manage pandemic-related data.
    • Benefits: Real-time data access, better resource allocation, and effective response management.
  4. Financial Inclusion:
    • Goal: Enhance financial inclusion by digitizing financial processes of municipal bodies.
    • Mechanisms: Electronic payment systems, automated tax collection, and financial analytics.
    • Advantages: Reduced leakage, increased revenue for local governments, and more efficient financial operations.

Impact and Reach:

  • eGov Foundation’s solutions are used by over 900 ULBs across 14 states in India.
  • The technology developed by eGov has positively impacted millions of urban citizens by making municipal services more accessible and efficient.
  • Significant improvements in revenue collection, service delivery, and citizen satisfaction have been reported in regions where eGov’s solutions are implemented.

eGov Foundation table

FoundersNandan Nilekani, Srikanth Nadhamuni
OvervieweGov Foundation develops open-source technology solutions to improve urban governance and service delivery. Their DIGIT platform aids in digitizing municipal services across various states.
Key ProjectsProperty tax management, grievance redressal systems, and water billing solutions.
eGov Foundation : Top 10 GovTech Startups in India

2. HyperVerge

  • Founded: 2014
  • Founders: Kedar Kulkarni, Praveen Kumar, Raghavendra Reddy
  • Overview: Specializes in AI-driven identity verification solutions. Their technology is used for Aadhaar-based KYC processes, enhancing security and efficiency in government schemes.
  • Key Projects: eKYC for financial inclusion, fraud detection in public distribution systems.

HyperVerge specializes in AI-driven identity verification solutions, aimed at enhancing security and efficiency in government schemes and various sectors. Their technology focuses on streamlining processes such as Aadhaar-based KYC, enabling seamless and secure identity verification.

Core Solutions:

  1. Identity Verification:
    • HyperVerge’s AI-powered solutions enable quick and accurate identity verification processes. This is particularly useful in government schemes and financial services for KYC compliance.
  2. Fraud Detection:
    • The platform employs advanced algorithms to detect and prevent fraudulent activities, especially in critical sectors like public distribution systems, where ensuring transparency and accountability is crucial.

Key Projects:

  1. eKYC for Financial Inclusion:
    • HyperVerge’s technology facilitates electronic KYC processes, enabling financial institutions to onboard customers efficiently while complying with regulatory requirements.
  2. Fraud Detection in Public Distribution Systems:
    • By leveraging AI algorithms, HyperVerge aids in detecting anomalies and potential fraud in public distribution systems, ensuring that resources reach the intended beneficiaries.


  • Enhanced Security: HyperVerge’s solutions bolster security measures, safeguarding sensitive data and transactions against identity theft and fraudulent activities.
  • Operational Efficiency: By automating identity verification processes, HyperVerge contributes to operational efficiency, reducing manual efforts and processing time.

HyperVerge table

FoundersKedar Kulkarni, Praveen Kumar, Raghavendra Reddy
OverviewSpecializes in AI-driven identity verification solutions. Their technology is used for Aadhaar-based KYC processes, enhancing security and efficiency in government schemes.
Key ProjectseKYC for financial inclusion, fraud detection in public distribution systems.
HyperVerge: Top 10 GovTech Startups in India


  • Founded: 2017
  • Founders: Prabhu Ramachandran, Yogendra Babu, Rajavel Subramanian
  • Overview: Provides a unified platform for facility management, including maintenance and energy management. Their solutions are used in smart city projects.
  • Key Projects: Smart building management in urban development initiatives.

Facilio provides a unified platform for facility management, offering solutions that enhance efficiency and sustainability in buildings and infrastructure. With a focus on smart city projects, Facilio’s technology streamlines maintenance, energy management, and overall operational effectiveness.

Core Solutions:

  1. Facility Management Platform:
    • Facilio’s platform integrates various aspects of facility management, including maintenance, asset management, and energy optimization, into a centralized system. This enables real-time monitoring and control of building operations.
  2. Energy Management:
    • The platform includes tools for monitoring and optimizing energy consumption in buildings. This not only reduces operational costs but also contributes to sustainability efforts by promoting energy efficiency.
  3. Maintenance Optimization:
    • Facilio’s technology utilizes predictive analytics and AI algorithms to optimize maintenance schedules, ensuring proactive upkeep of building assets and minimizing downtime.

Key Projects:

  1. Smart Building Management in Urban Development Initiatives:
    • Facilio’s solutions are deployed in smart city projects to manage and optimize building operations efficiently. This includes monitoring utilities, managing maintenance tasks, and ensuring regulatory compliance.


  • Operational Efficiency: Facilio’s platform improves operational efficiency by streamlining maintenance workflows, optimizing energy usage, and providing actionable insights for informed decision-making.
  • Cost Savings: By proactively managing maintenance schedules and optimizing energy consumption, Facilio helps reduce operational costs for building owners and facility managers.

Facilio table

FoundersPrabhu Ramachandran, Yogendra Babu, Rajavel Subramanian
OverviewProvides a unified platform for facility management, including maintenance and energy management. Their solutions are used in smart city projects.
Key ProjectsSmart building management in urban development initiatives.
Facilio: Top 10 GovTech Startups in India

4. SocialCops

  • Founded: 2012
  • Founders: Prukalpa Sankar, Varun Banka
  • Overview: Uses data intelligence to solve critical problems in governance. They aggregate data from various sources to provide actionable insights for policy-making and implementation.
  • Key Projects: Data platforms for Swachh Bharat Mission, National Health Mission.

SocialCops is a data intelligence company focused on solving critical problems in governance by harnessing the power of data. By aggregating and analyzing data from various sources, SocialCops provides actionable insights for policy-making and implementation, driving positive social impact across diverse sectors.

Core Solutions:

  1. Data Intelligence Platform:
    • SocialCops’ platform aggregates and analyzes data from disparate sources, including government databases, surveys, and IoT devices. The platform employs advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to derive insights from the data, enabling evidence-based decision-making.
  2. Governance Projects:
    • SocialCops collaborates with governments and organizations to address governance challenges across sectors such as healthcare, education, agriculture, and urban development. By leveraging data-driven insights, SocialCops helps governments optimize resource allocation, monitor program effectiveness, and enhance service delivery.
  3. Impact Assessments:
    • SocialCops conducts impact assessments of various policies, programs, and interventions to evaluate their effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. These assessments help stakeholders make informed decisions and optimize their strategies for maximum social impact.

Key Projects:

  1. Data Platforms for Swachh Bharat Mission:
    • SocialCops has developed data platforms to support the Swachh Bharat Mission, India’s flagship sanitation program. These platforms facilitate data collection, monitoring, and analysis to track the progress of the mission and identify areas for intervention.
  2. National Health Mission:
    • SocialCops works with the National Health Mission and other health agencies to improve healthcare delivery through data-driven insights. By analyzing health data, SocialCops helps identify healthcare gaps, prioritize interventions, and measure the impact of health programs.


  • Policy Impact: SocialCops’ data-driven insights have informed policy decisions and interventions across various sectors, leading to improved governance outcomes and enhanced service delivery.
  • Efficiency Gains: By optimizing resource allocation and program implementation, SocialCops helps governments and organizations achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness in their initiatives.


FoundersPrukalpa Sankar, Varun Banka
OverviewUses data intelligence to solve critical problems in governance. They aggregate data from various sources to provide actionable insights for policy-making and implementation.
Key ProjectsData platforms for Swachh Bharat Mission, National Health Mission.
SocialCops: Top 10 GovTech Startups in India

5. Transerve

  • Founded: 2009
  • Founders: Ashwani Rawat, Arindam Biswas
  • Overview: Specializes in geospatial technologies for urban planning and infrastructure management. Their solutions support city planning and resource management.
  • Key Projects: Geographic Information System (GIS) for property tax collection and urban planning.

Transerve specializes in geospatial technologies for urban planning and infrastructure management. Their solutions offer comprehensive tools for spatial data analysis, visualization, and decision-making, empowering governments and organizations to optimize urban development initiatives.

Core Solutions:

  1. Geospatial Technologies:
    • Transerve develops advanced geospatial technologies for mapping, analysis, and visualization of spatial data. These technologies enable users to understand complex spatial relationships and make informed decisions for urban planning and infrastructure management.
  2. Urban Planning Solutions:
    • Transerve’s urban planning solutions provide tools for land use mapping, transportation planning, infrastructure development, and environmental management. These solutions help governments and urban planners optimize resource allocation and enhance the livability of cities.
  3. Infrastructure Management:
    • Transerve offers infrastructure management solutions for utilities such as water, electricity, and telecommunications. These solutions enable utilities to monitor assets, manage maintenance activities, and respond effectively to infrastructure failures or emergencies.

Key Projects:

  1. Geographic Information System (GIS) for Property Tax Collection:
    • Transerve has developed GIS-based solutions for property tax collection, enabling local governments to assess property values, levy taxes, and manage tax records more efficiently.
  2. Urban Planning Initiatives:
    • Transerve collaborates with government agencies and urban development authorities on various urban planning initiatives, including city master plans, smart city projects, and infrastructure development programs.


  • Improved Decision-Making: Transerve’s geospatial technologies provide decision-makers with valuable insights into urban dynamics, enabling them to make more informed and effective decisions for urban development.
  • Efficient Resource Allocation: By optimizing resource allocation and infrastructure investments, Transerve helps governments maximize the impact of their urban development initiatives and improve the quality of life for residents.

Transerve table

FoundersAshwani Rawat, Arindam Biswas
OverviewSpecializes in geospatial technologies for urban planning and infrastructure management. Their solutions support city planning and resource management.
Key ProjectsGeographic Information System (GIS) for property tax collection and urban planning.
Transerve: Top 10 GovTech Startups in India

6. CivicDataLab

  • Founded: 2017
  • Founders: Open Data Enthusiasts
  • Overview: Works at the intersection of data, tech, and design to strengthen civic engagement and governance. They promote transparency and accountability through data-driven projects.
  • Key Projects: Open data platforms for electoral reforms, budget transparency tools.

CivicDataLab operates at the intersection of data, technology, and design to strengthen civic engagement and governance. By leveraging data-driven projects, the organization promotes transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in the policymaking process, fostering a more inclusive and responsive governance ecosystem.

Core Initiatives:

  1. Civic Tech Solutions:
    • CivicDataLab develops civic tech solutions that empower citizens to engage with government processes and services more effectively. These solutions often involve the use of open data, data visualization, and participatory platforms to facilitate citizen-government interaction.
  2. Data-driven Governance:
    • The organization works with government agencies and civil society organizations to harness the power of data for evidence-based policymaking and program implementation. By conducting data-driven research and analysis, CivicDataLab helps identify key governance challenges and opportunities for reform.
  3. Capacity Building:
    • CivicDataLab conducts workshops, training programs, and capacity-building initiatives to empower stakeholders with the skills and knowledge needed to use data effectively in their work. These capacity-building efforts aim to democratize access to data and promote data literacy across sectors.

Key Projects:

  1. Open Data Platforms for Electoral Reforms:
    • CivicDataLab has developed open data platforms to support electoral reforms and enhance transparency in the electoral process. These platforms provide access to election-related data, enabling citizens to monitor elections, analyze trends, and hold elected officials accountable.
  2. Budget Transparency Tools:
    • The organization has created budget transparency tools that allow citizens to track government spending, monitor budget allocations, and participate in budget planning processes. These tools promote fiscal transparency and citizen engagement in budgetary decision-making.


  • Citizen Empowerment: CivicDataLab’s initiatives empower citizens with access to information and tools that enable them to actively participate in governance processes and hold government institutions accountable for their actions.
  • Government Accountability: By promoting transparency and data-driven decision-making, CivicDataLab helps enhance government accountability and responsiveness to citizen needs and priorities.

CivicDataLab table

FoundersOpen Data Enthusiasts
OverviewWorks at the intersection of data, tech, and design to strengthen civic engagement and governance. They promote transparency and accountability through data-driven projects.
Key ProjectsOpen data platforms for electoral reforms, budget transparency tools.
CivicDataLab: Top 10 GovTech Startups in India

7. Stellapps

  • Founded: 2011
  • Founders: Ranjith Mukundan, Siddhartha R, Sreeram Kumar, and others
  • Overview: Provides smart solutions for the dairy supply chain, enhancing productivity and quality. Their technology is used to digitize the dairy ecosystem, impacting rural livelihoods.
  • Key Projects: SmartMoo platform for milk production monitoring and quality control.

Stellapps provides smart solutions for the dairy supply chain, leveraging technology to enhance productivity, quality, and efficiency in the dairy ecosystem. By digitizing dairy operations and integrating IoT devices and data analytics, Stellapps revolutionizes dairy farming practices and improves livelihoods for dairy farmers.

Core Solutions:

  1. Smart Dairy Solutions:
    • Stellapps offers a range of smart dairy solutions that encompass various aspects of dairy farming, including milk procurement, quality testing, cold chain management, and herd management. These solutions help dairy farmers optimize their operations and maximize milk yield and quality.
  2. IoT Integration:
    • The company integrates IoT devices such as milk sensors, milk chilling units, and cattle health monitors into dairy farms to collect real-time data on milk production, quality, and animal health. This data is then analyzed to provide insights and recommendations for improving farm productivity and profitability.
  3. Data Analytics:
    • Stellapps utilizes advanced data analytics and machine learning algorithms to analyze dairy data and extract actionable insights. These insights enable dairy farmers to make informed decisions about farm management, breeding practices, and resource allocation, leading to better outcomes and higher returns.

Key Projects:

  1. SmartMoo Platform:
    • Stellapps’ flagship platform, SmartMoo, provides end-to-end dairy management solutions for dairy farmers, cooperatives, and dairy processors. The platform streamlines milk procurement, quality testing, and payment processes, improving operational efficiency and transparency across the dairy supply chain.


  • Increased Productivity: Stellapps’ solutions enable dairy farmers to optimize their operations and maximize milk yield and quality, leading to increased productivity and profitability.
  • Quality Assurance: By implementing quality testing and monitoring systems, Stellapps helps ensure that milk meets regulatory standards and consumer expectations, enhancing trust and confidence in dairy products.

Stellapps table

FoundersRanjith Mukundan, Siddhartha R, Sreeram Kumar, and others
OverviewProvides smart solutions for the dairy supply chain, enhancing productivity and quality. Their technology is used to digitize the dairy ecosystem, impacting rural livelihoods.
Key ProjectsSmartMoo platform for milk production monitoring and quality control.
Stellapps: Top 10 GovTech Startups in India

8. AyuRythm

  • Founded: 2017
  • Founders: Saranyu Jain, Manan Khurma
  • Overview: Integrates traditional Ayurveda with modern technology to provide personalized health recommendations. They partner with government health initiatives to promote wellness.
  • Key Projects: Digital Ayurveda health assessments for government health schemes.

AyuRythm integrates traditional Ayurveda with modern technology to provide personalized health recommendations. By leveraging AI-driven algorithms and Ayurvedic principles, AyuRythm offers holistic health assessments and wellness solutions, supporting government health initiatives and promoting overall well-being.

Core Solutions:

  1. Personalized Health Assessments:
    • AyuRythm’s platform conducts personalized health assessments based on Ayurvedic principles, analyzing individual constitutions (Prakriti) and imbalances (Vikriti) to provide tailored recommendations for diet, lifestyle, and holistic wellness.
  2. Ayurvedic Wellness Recommendations:
    • The platform offers Ayurvedic wellness recommendations for various health concerns, including chronic conditions, lifestyle disorders, and preventive healthcare. These recommendations may include dietary modifications, herbal remedies, and lifestyle practices to restore balance and promote well-being.
  3. Digital Health Monitoring:
    • AyuRythm integrates digital health monitoring tools such as wearables, mobile apps, and IoT devices to track health parameters and monitor progress over time. This data is analyzed to provide personalized insights and recommendations for ongoing health management.

Key Projects:

  1. Digital Ayurveda Health Assessments for Government Health Schemes:
    • AyuRythm collaborates with government health initiatives to provide digital Ayurveda health assessments for citizens. These assessments help identify health risks, promote preventive healthcare, and support the integration of Ayurveda into mainstream healthcare systems.


  • Preventive Healthcare: AyuRythm’s personalized health assessments and wellness recommendations empower individuals to take proactive steps towards preventive healthcare and holistic well-being.
  • Integrative Medicine: By integrating Ayurvedic principles with modern technology, AyuRythm bridges the gap between traditional and modern healthcare systems, promoting integrative approaches to health and wellness.

AyuRythm table

FoundersSaranyu Jain, Manan Khurma
OverviewIntegrates traditional Ayurveda with modern technology to provide personalized health recommendations. They partner with government health initiatives.
Key ProjectsDigital Ayurveda health assessments for government health schemes.
AyuRythm: Top 10 GovTech Startups in India

9. MyGov

  • Founded: 2014
  • Initiative: Government of India
  • Overview: A citizen engagement platform that promotes active participation of Indian citizens in governance and developmental activities. It encourages public involvement in policy-making.
  • Key Projects: Idea submission for government projects, volunteer programs.

MyGov is a citizen engagement platform initiated by the Government of India to promote active participation of Indian citizens in governance and developmental activities. Through the platform, citizens can contribute their ideas, feedback, and suggestions on various government initiatives, policies, and programs, fostering a collaborative approach to governance and policy-making.

Core Features:

  1. Citizen Participation:
    • MyGov provides a platform for citizens to actively participate in governance by submitting their ideas, feedback, and suggestions on a wide range of topics, including policy formulation, program implementation, and civic issues.
  2. Crowdsourcing Initiatives:
    • The platform hosts crowdsourcing initiatives where citizens can contribute their expertise and creativity to address specific challenges and problems faced by the government and society at large. These initiatives harness the collective wisdom and talent of the citizenry to find innovative solutions to pressing issues.
  3. Information Dissemination:
    • MyGov serves as a central hub for disseminating information about government policies, programs, and initiatives. Citizens can stay informed about the latest developments in governance and access relevant resources and materials to enhance their understanding of various issues.

Key Projects:

  1. Idea Submission for Government Projects:
    • MyGov allows citizens to submit their ideas and suggestions for government projects and initiatives, providing them with a platform to contribute to the development agenda of the country.
  2. Volunteer Programs:
    • The platform facilitates volunteer programs where citizens can actively participate in community service activities, social campaigns, and other initiatives aimed at promoting social welfare and community development.


  • Citizen Engagement: MyGov promotes active citizen engagement in governance by providing a platform for citizens to voice their opinions, share their ideas, and contribute to decision-making processes.
  • Policy Feedback: The platform enables the government to gather feedback from citizens on various policies and initiatives, helping policymakers understand public sentiment and preferences and make informed decisions.

MyGov table

InitiativeGovernment of India
OverviewA citizen engagement platform that promotes active participation of Indian citizens in governance and developmental activities. It encourages public involvement in policy-making.
Key ProjectsIdea submission for government projects, volunteer programs.
MyGov: Top 10 GovTech Startups in India

10. Civis

  • Founded: 2018
  • Founders: Pallavi Vyas, Saket Verma
  • Overview: Enhances citizen-government interaction by providing feedback mechanisms on laws and policies. Their platform ensures that public opinion is considered in governance.
  • Key Projects: Policy feedback portals, public consultation platforms.

Civis is a platform that enhances citizen-government interaction by providing feedback mechanisms on laws and policies. By facilitating public participation and feedback, Civis ensures that public opinion is considered in governance, promoting transparency, accountability, and responsiveness in the policymaking process.

Core Features:

  1. Policy Feedback Portals:
    • Civis operates policy feedback portals where citizens can review and provide feedback on proposed laws, regulations, and government policies. These portals serve as channels for citizens to voice their opinions and concerns directly to policymakers.
  2. Public Consultation Platforms:
    • The platform hosts public consultation initiatives where citizens can participate in online discussions, town hall meetings, and other forums to engage with government officials and stakeholders on various issues and initiatives.
  3. Data Analytics:
    • Civis utilizes data analytics and sentiment analysis techniques to analyze public feedback and identify key trends, preferences, and concerns among citizens. This data-driven approach helps policymakers gain insights into public sentiment and make informed decisions.

Key Projects:

  1. Policy Feedback Portals for Legislative Reforms:
    • Civis has developed policy feedback portals to gather public feedback on proposed legislative reforms, enabling citizens to contribute their perspectives and suggestions to the lawmaking process.
  2. Public Consultation Initiatives on Government Policies:
    • The platform hosts public consultation initiatives on government policies and initiatives across various sectors, allowing citizens to provide input and feedback on issues that affect them directly.


  • Citizen Empowerment: Civis empowers citizens to participate actively in the policymaking process and have a direct impact on the laws and policies that affect their lives.
  • Government Accountability: By providing mechanisms for public feedback and consultation, Civis promotes government accountability and transparency, ensuring that policymakers are responsive to the needs and preferences of the public.

Civis table

FoundersPallavi Vyas, Saket Verma
OverviewEnhances citizen-government interaction by providing feedback mechanisms on laws and policies. Their platform ensures that public opinion is considered in governance.
Key ProjectsPolicy feedback portals, public consultation platforms.
Civis: Top 10 GovTech Startups in India

These GovTech startups in India are revolutionizing various aspects of governance and service delivery through innovative technology solutions. From urban governance to healthcare, agriculture, and citizen engagement, these startups are driving positive impact and fostering transparency, efficiency, and inclusivity in governance processes. With their dedication to leveraging technology for social good, they are instrumental in shaping the future of governance and public service delivery in India. These startups are leveraging cutting-edge technologies like AI, machine learning, IoT, and big data to address complex governance challenges, making public services more efficient, transparent, and citizen-friendly.

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